Season of Giving

Season of Giving Comic by Shouty


Shouty: “Check your email. I got something for you.”
Leonard: “Wow, thank you!”
Shouty smiles as Leonard reads his email.
Leonard: “A Disney Plus subscription!?! This is awesome.”
Shouty: “It’s a 7-day free trial, so make sure you cancel it or they’ll charge me.”
Leonard is laughing.

Vegan Thanksgiving

Vegan Thanksgiving Comic by Shouty


Shouty: “Looking forward to our first vegan Thanksgiving?”
Cousin: “It’s gonna be weird without turkey.”
Turkey: “Oh, I’ll be there. Got my invite last week.”

Merging in Bumper to Bumper Traffic

Merging Comic By Shouty


In bumper to bumper traffic, a yellow car is taking advantage of the wider merging lane and passing cars before merging. An arrow points to the yellow car: “Merges after passing 8 more cars.”

A few cars behind, another car merges onto the highway, when a red car centers itself in the lane to block it from passing several cars before merging. An arrow points to the red car: “Me blocking mergers from cheatin’.”

Genetic Test

Genetic Test Comic By Shouty


Shouty is swabbing his cheek with a genetic testing kit.
Leonard: “You know the company will own your DNA in perpetuity, right?”
Shouty: “Yeah, so. What’s the worse that could happen?”
Leonard looks solemn.
Shouty thinks of the following scenarios:
“Your DNA was found at the crime scene”
“Your dad isn’t your dad”
“You got 7 siblings now”
“…and then he was cloned”
“You ARE the father!”




Shouty: “I’m not watching TV for the month of November – it’s #NoTVember.
Leonard: “Watching on laptop still counts.”
Shouty, with thumbs up: “Baby steps.”
Leonard laughs.

Happy World Vegan Day

Happy World Vegan Day


2019 | Shouty: “Crazy that our grandparents’ generation saw ads where doctors endorsed smoking tobacco as healthy.”
2089 | Shouty’s future relatives: “Crazy that our grandparents’ generation saw ads that touted cow’s milk as healthy for the human body.”


Remembering Comic By Shouty


Leonard: “What was that guy’s name again?”
Shouty, closing his eyes and holding his fist to his head: “Don’t say nuthin’, I almost have it.”
Leonard: “Was it Tom?”
Shouty, putting his index finger up to his mouth: “Shhh.”
An undefined duration of time has passed and Leonard is now a skeleton, while Shouty is still straining to remember with his eyes closed and fist to his head.


Sore Comic by Shouty


Shouty, worried: “Sorry I’m walking slowly…my glutes are sore.”
Leonard: “You been weightlifting?”
Shouty, grinning: “Binge watching.”